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Graduate Catalog
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Graduate Catalog
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Richmont Authorization and Practices
President's Welcome
The Apostles' Creed
Statement of Faith
Statement of Purpose
Our Name
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Admissions Procedures
Academic Policies
Academic Advisement
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Registration for Continuing Students
Leave of Absence
Independent Studies
Academic Exceptions
Official Registration
Adding Dropping or Withdrawing from Coursework
Institutional Withdrawal
Registration for New Students
Transfer of Credit
School of Counseling
Transfer Credit Process
School of Ministry
Course Changes and Cancellations
Satisfactory Academic Progress SAP
Grades and Academic Records
Exit Requirements: School of Counseling
Student Evaluations
Academic Appeals
Student Grievances
Self Care and Shared Professional Responsibility
Community Standards
ADA Accommodations
Graduation Requirements
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Transfer Credit Process
1. Current students should first consult with their advisor before requesting transfer of graduate credits earned and before taking additional graduate courses which they may want to transfer to Richmont.
2. Prospective and current students must submit to the Records Office a transfer of credit application packet, including an official transcript showing the course(s) to be transferred, a syllabus of the course(s) in question, and a completed Request for Transfer of Credit form. This form is available from the Records Office and online.
3. The Records Office will conduct an initial evaluation of the request and forward the packet to the Dean of that student’s respective School for final determination.
4. The Dean will evaluate the request and submit the findings to the Records Office. The Records office will communicate the results of the transfer of credit.
5. If a student does not enroll within one year of the transfer of credit evaluation, the evaluation expires and a new packet and evaluation are required.