Graduate Catalog

Institutional Withdrawal

Any currently enrolled student who does not register for classes by the end of the third week of the semester and does not request a Leave of Absence (excluding summer term) will be considered to have withdrawn from Richmont for non- attendance. Students who wish to withdraw from Richmont during an academic term must meet with their academic advisor and complete an Institutional Withdrawal form, which is then submitted to the Records Office. All students who wish to withdraw are asked to complete a withdrawal survey with the Records Office. Failure to submit an Institutional Withdrawal Form to the Records Office will result in the student being withdrawn from the institution for non-attendance.

Withdrawals before the first day of classes or during the first week of a semester or half-term will not appear on the transcript. During the second, third, and fourth weeks of the semester, a W grade will be recorded on the transcript. During the first and second week of a half-term, a W grade will be recorded on the transcript. Beyond these two time periods, a grade of WP or WF will be recorded as determined by the instructor. Students withdrawing from Richmont, both for the semester, half-term, or indefinitely, are responsible for their outstanding financial obligations. Student refunds are based on the same refund schedule as individual course withdrawals. Withdrawal from Richmont normally results in the automatic forfeiture of any scholarships that Richmont may have granted. Requests for exceptions may be addressed with the Business Office. Withdrawn students will have their Richmont email deleted two weeks following their withdrawal date, and their access to all Richmont-related systems will be removed.