Graduate Catalog

Statement on Respect for People and Property

As a community of Christians with special commitment to acting out of love toward one another, Richmont expects community behavior that demonstrates the highest standard of respect for people and property. Scripture is replete with exhortations to look out for the welfare of others and build up each other, to be good protectors and stewards of the possessions God has given us and to be honest and keep one’s word. Richmont is committed to fostering respectful interpersonal relationships regardless of gender, race, age, handicap, or national origin.

Basic standards for respectful conduct at Richmont are similar to those of other institutions of higher education in societies with the legal foundation of respect for people and property. Occasions may arise when specific standards relevant to this community are not fully recognized. Accordingly, the following examples of behaviors that are not acceptable according to the Statement on Respect for People and Property may be cause for disciplinary action. When appropriate, these may be reported to civil authorities for legal or other action.

  • Dishonesty: Richmont regards as unacceptable lying, misrepresentation, or deception in representations an individual makes about self or others, especially in formal statements.
  • Injurious or offensive action: Physical assault, infliction of psychological injury, and the spread of malicious rumors are unacceptable. Prejudicial treatment based on gender, race, age, and physical challenge is both offensive and injurious and will not be tolerated under any conditions. Persistent profane or obscene language that gives offense is subject to disciplinary action.
  • Disruption: Acts by individuals or groups that substantially interfere with the rights of others or interfere with the normal activities of Richmont are unacceptable. Disruptive activities in classrooms, libraries, offices, or other campus meeting assembly areas are included.
  • Stealing or destruction of property: Theft of or damage to the property of another person or of Richmont is unacceptable. Defacing or rendering library material unusable shows little respect for people or property. Unauthorized possession or use of Richmont materials or equipment is stealing.
  • Purposeful violation of institutional policies: Purposeful violations include refusal to comply with contractual arrangements with Richmont offices or services and unwillingness to abide by established Richmont policies.