Graduate Catalog

Sexual Offenses

Richmont educates the student community about the effects of sexual assault through an online training for all new students. The Student Handbook and University trainings offer information including:

  • Biblical Views on Sexual Misconduct
  • Sexual Misconduct & Sexual Harassment Definitions
  • Safe & Effective Bystander Interventions
  • Risk Reduction of Sexual Misconduct
  • Procedures for Victims of Sexual Misconduct

If a student is a victim of sexual misconduct or assault, the first priority is to get to a place of safety and to get help. An assault can be immediately or later reported to the authorities. School personnel (e.g., the Office of Student Affairs) can assist the student in notifying authorities if requested. In addition, referrals to off-campus mental health resources are available through the Office of Student Affairs. If the alleged perpetrator is also a student, disciplinary action can be initiated.

Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedures are detailed in the Student Handbook. A student found guilty of violating the Richmont sexual misconduct policy could be criminally prosecuted in the state courts and may be suspended or expelled from Richmont for the first offense. Student victims have the option to change their academic situations after an alleged sexual assault, if such changes are reasonably available.

Advising the Campus Community about Sexual Offenders

Convicted sex offenders are required by law to register their names and addresses with the State of Georgia Department of Corrections; likewise, in the state of Tennessee. Interested persons may obtain state information on individuals registered as sex offenders by visiting the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Sex Offender Registry website or the Tennessee Sex Offender Registry website.