Graduate Catalog

Thesis Option

Richmont offers students the option of pursuing a thesis while in their programs. Theses can be empirical or theoretical, either conducting an original research study or developing a thesis statement that is theoretically-based on an exhaustive review of the relevant literature. The thesis option is a sequence of four courses, each one hour of credit, beginning in Spring semester, typically after CED7713: Methods of Research is taken in the Fall. Approval of the instructor for the Methods of Research class is required for admission to the thesis option. Once a student has been admitted to the thesis option, the student’s program of study will be updated to reflect the required coursework to complete the thesis.

Students have the option of pursuing a topic of personal interest or participating in ongoing programmatic research at Richmont or the research of individual professors. The range of possible topics is broad, but limited to those that impinge on the program of study (counseling-related issues and topics of faith in practice). Details of the thesis are available in the Thesis Manual which is on the Richmont website and available from the Records Office or the Director of Research. This explains the steps and deadlines of the process in detail, culminating with a presentation of the thesis during a Community Time and also submission to a professional conference for poster or presentation. Questions about the thesis option that are not addressed in the manual may be sent to the Director of Research. Interested students should consult with their advisors or contact the Director of Research.