Graduate Catalog

Commencement Participation

Richmont holds Commencement each May. Students who are within three courses of meeting graduation requirements during the spring semester are permitted to participate in the ceremony if the courses will be complete by the final day of the subsequent summer semester. Students cannot have outstanding transfer credit documentation and participate in commencement. An incomplete or in-progress grade (I, IP, or X) at the time of Commencement does not count toward the three-course limit for summer and Commencement participation. A notation will appear in the Commencement program indicating that the student is participating under this policy.

Degrees will not be conferred nor will diplomas and transcripts be available without completion of all coursework as dictated by the student’s degree program. Students who have earned a failing grade in any course and have not had the opportunity to retake the course before the Commencement date will not be permitted to participate in Commencement.