Graduate Catalog

Misrepresentation and Other Forms of Dishonesty

Students are expected to be truthful in all facets of their communication. Misrepresentation and dishonesty may include, but are not limited to, such acts as signing an attendance roster for another student or asking another student to sign, or dishonesty with regard to any aspects of coursework, such as reading reports, etc. Students are expected to communicate truthfully at all times, which includes not omitting important, relevant information. During internship, students must accurately represent their status and qualifications at internship sites and to clients, supervisors, etc. Further, any falsification of clinical documents or internship documentation is a serious infraction of the academic integrity policy. Any misrepresentation or form of dishonesty related to clinical training is reported to the Director of Clinical Training as well as the Dean of the School of Counseling. (See Clinical Training Manual for more information.)